March 4, 2020
Sr. CeAnn, one of our Pastoral Care members shared this prayer with our staff as we continue to keep everybody safe:
Our Hope is in the Lord!
Dear Lord, as we come together in prayer we all come with many different prayers for hope.
We hope we all will stay well during this very difficult time of the coronavirus outbreak.
We hope and pray that our family members, all our friends, all our co-workers, all our residents, all health care workers, and all other essential workers who we are relying on will remain healthy and well.
In this current crisis we are reminded each new day to continue to take all the necessary medical precautions to stay well, but let us be mindful of the very important need and importance of taking spiritual precautions.
We all understand the importance of distancing, but let us not distance ourselves from our almighty God and Creator; the one who made us for Himself;the one who is always pouring out to us His living hope.
The former Pope Benedict stated, “The one who has hope lives differently; the one who has hope has been granted the gift of new life!”
So let us remember whenever we are burdened, over-taxed, stressed, troubled, or confused – do nothing.Leave it all and give everything to God, for he is our hope and our salvation!
Lamentations 3: 21-24
Come Lord flood our heart with your hope; Come fill my mind with hope
Each new morning let us pray I will call this to mind as my reason to have hope.
The favors of the Lord are not exhausted. His mercies are unlimited.
They are renewed each new morning. So great is God’s faithfulness
My portion is the Lord, says my soul; Therefore I will hope in Him!Amen
Sr. Cecelia Sambor, SSMI
Pastoral Care