About Holy Family Hospice - St Augustine Health Ministries

About Holy Family Hospice

Holy Family Hospice is a unique, Catholic-sponsored nonprofit hospice program. Grounded in our mission of dignity and love, Holy Family delivers peace and comfort to patients and families, regardless of faith. Our Compassionate Care Coordinators render solace and symptom relief with emotional and spiritual support when needed most. We never lose sight of the ever-changing, individualized needs of the people in our care as they enter the next phase of life’s journey.

Hospice is not a place. It is a philosophy of care centered on comfort and support. With the help of a specialized hospice team, residency and the degree of support are determined by the people and families we serve.

Patients choose to stay at home, in an extended care facility, or our residential facility. Regardless of residency, Holy Family Hospice offers a holistic approach, incorporating traditional and alternative comfort therapies to ease suffering and aid the end-of-life journey.

Feelings associated with terminal illnesses and grief can be overwhelming. We focus on patient and family needs. Comfort takes many forms; it may be physical, emotional, or spiritual. Appearance aside, we offer a transitional journey from illness to enrichment, love, and solace. We provide compassionate care, with a spiritual emphasis, for the entire family circle regardless of religion or financial status.

As you gather information, please remember one thing—sooner is better. People who seek assistance early in their diagnosis have more options, more support, and better quality of life. Time provides a chance to build trusting caregiver relationships and determine treatment options.

We know you will have questions. Please call anytime (440-888-7722). We are happy to meet with you and your family.

Community Hospice at Home

Hospice where you Live
Whenever possible, Holy Family Hospice Care is provided at home. Our specialized team renders compassion and comfort to patients and families when needed most. Rooted in dignity and love, we provide solace, symptom relief, emotional support, and spiritual support. We understand the ever-changing personal needs of families and individuals experiencing life’s final journey


Hospice – St Augustine Health Ministries (staugministries.org)


Inpatient Hospice at Holy Family Home

Founded in 1956 by the Dominican Sisters of Hawthorne (NY), Holy Family Home began as one of seven homes throughout the nation, dedicated to individuals living with incurable cancer. After 65 years, our tradition of care serves individuals diagnosed with any life-limiting illness. We serve people, regardless of faith, with love and compassion. We recognize feelings associated with terminal illness and grief can be overwhelming. We walk with you on this journey. With each step, we offer physical, emotional, and spiritual comfort focused on family needs and your loved one.



Holy Family Services

Holy Family Services
The interdisciplinary team at Holy Family combines expert medical care and pain management with emotional and spiritual support to help shepherd patients and families through this journey. We offer compassionate care while affirming the dignity and sanctity of human life.

Holy Family services range from symptom management to family respite and professional grief counseling. We augment the care of the primary caregivers and serve as a resource to those caring for loved ones with a life-limiting illness. Our professional staff is on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Comprehensive Services Include:

  • Caregiver Training
  • Medical Equipment and Supplies
  • Pain and Symptom Management
  • Practical Care (bathing and daily activities assistance)
  • Family Education (regarding patient progress)
  • Medication (related to the life-limiting illness)
  • Patient and Family Member Counseling
  • Spiritual Care (in accordance with the family’s own religious network)
  • Patient and Family Support
  • Volunteer Support
  • Short-term Respite Care
  • Short-term, Inpatient Care (when symptoms are unmanageable at home)
  • Bereavement Counseling

Our Compassionate Care Team includes:

  • Board-certified Hospice Medical Director
  • Licensed Nurses
  • State Tested Nursing Assistants (STNA)
  • Hospice Aides
  • Home Health Aides
  • Pastoral Caregivers
  • Licensed Social Workers
  • Trained volunteers
  • Bereavement counselors

Regardless of faith, we care for all people. We base our philosophy of care on moral and ethical principles derived from Catholic teachings, but we embrace the value of every human life.* We respect all religions and communicate openly with diverse faith communities to generate meaningful experiences for people in our care.
Note: The moral and ethical principles of Holy Family Home are outlined in the Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services. Additionally, we gather resources from the National Catholic Bioethics Center for ethical guidelines.

Hospice FAQ

Hospice FAQs
Holy Family Hospice addresses the spiritual, emotional, and physical needs of each individual. Our bereavement program supports families and friends along their grief journey for a year or longer after the passing of their loved one.

What is Hospice?
Hospice can intervene when a patient ceases medical treatment or life expectancy is short. Hospice is not a place. It is a philosophy of care centered on comfort and support. People seeking assistance early in diagnosis have more options, more support, and a better quality of life. Time builds trusting caregiver relationships and more treatment options.

Symptom management can align with unique situations through medical treatment and alternative therapies (massage, music, and meditation). Families receive educational support, counseling, and practical resources to navigate the complex end-of-life process.

Holy Family strongly supports an individual’s choice to remain in their home, wherever that may be. Patients also have access to our 30-bed inpatient facility, Holy Family Home, when 24/7 hospice care is needed. Whether it is your home or ours, Holy Family can help.

Who is Eligible for Hospice Care?
A person can receive hospice care when a physician states that the person has a life expectancy of six months or less. Holy Family serves people of all faiths and walks of life who are facing serious, life-limiting illnesses

Illnesses include, but are not limited by the following:
• Heart Disease
• Pulmonary Disease
• Liver or Kidney Disease
• Dementia (including Alzheimer’s)
• Stroke
• Parkinson’s

When Should Hospice be Called?
Individuals do not have to be homebound to enter hospice.

  • When you no longer desire aggressive treatment or testing
  • When the emphasis of treatment changes to comfort, symptom control, and enhancing the quality of life
  • When a personal physician determines the patient has six months or less to live

Patients and their families should discuss hospice care when aggressive medical treatments have ceased. Even though a patient may feel physically well, especially after challenging treatment, early hospice care is beneficial.

We are dedicated to the quality of life. Early admission offers a support system to assist the patient and their family in meeting their physical, emotional, social, and spiritual needs.

Who Pays for Hospice?
Comprehensive hospice benefits are available through Medicare and Medicaid. Programs such as Medicare Hospice Benefit and the Medicaid Hospice Benefit pay a daily rate for services. Note, while receiving hospice care, if a patient requires treatment for a condition unrelated to the terminal illness, standard Medicare continues to help with necessary expenses.

Private insurance may also reduce costs associated with hospice care. Patients should review their personal plans for coverage eligibility. If a patient does not have hospice benefits, or if these benefits are exhausted, please call (440) 888-7722 for further information.

As a not-for-profit, faith-based hospice organization, our hospice services are provided regardless of an individual’s ability to pay. The generous contributions we receive from community supporters enable us to care for our neighbors.

Pastoral Care

Life is a journey; filled with changes, transitions, rites of passage, and cycles of nature. Spirituality is woven into our everyday actions and encounters. Simple, ordinary events such as listening, conversing, easing troubled hearts, reconnecting, mending, and enriching life are powerful. As a faith-based organization, we believe spiritual well-being is as important as physical and emotional health. It is the cornerstone of our care. Yet, spiritual care is different for everyone. Some people find solace in the rituals and traditions of organized religion, but others prefer contemplation. Still, others seek understanding. One size does not fit all.

We predicate our philosophy of care on moral and ethical principles. We embrace the value of human life at every stage.* We respect all faith preferences and religious beliefs. We communicate openly with diverse faith communities to provide meaningful services to every individual in our care.

* Note: The moral and ethical principles of Holy Family Home are outlined in the Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services. Additionally, we gather resources from the National Catholic Bioethics Center for ethical guidelines.

Pastoral Services include:

  • Spiritual Support (for patient, family, and caregivers)
  • Supporting All Denominations and Faiths
  • Ministering to Patients (physical, emotional, and spiritual needs)
  • Counseling, Prayer, and Ethical Exploration
  • Sacraments (Reconciliation, Eucharist, and Anointing of the Sick)
  • Funeral or Memorial Assistance
  • Eulogy Assistance (speaking at a funeral or memorial service)

Grief and Spiritual Support

When we experience a deep loss, grieving is natural. People react differently. Your emotions and your grief journey are unique. The Holy Family Compassionate Bereavement Team is here for you. You do not have to walk this path alone. Some family members may need more support than your inner circle can provide. Our Bereavement Team can provide comfort, validation, and education. Holy Family bereavement counseling is available to all sorrowful souls, even if your loved one was not in our care.



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