Resources - St Augustine Health Ministries



Here you will be able to read up on touching examples of St. Augustine Health Ministries’ mission exemplified by volunteers, staff, and residents. You will find rundowns of our latest events, information about our partnerships with updates about how they are going, press-releases, helpful tips and much more!

Employee Recognition

The greatest asset of any organization is its employees. To share the contributions of all employees across the organization, we have initiated “The Health Ministries Way,” an employee recognition campaign that highlights and celebrates St. Augustine Health Ministries’ culture of service excellence and fosters pride in those working within the organization.

Caregiver’s Coffee Break: A Podcast

Welcome to Caregivers Coffee Break! Taking care of a loved one presents challenges that don’t come with a how-to manual; enter our podcast for caregivers. Each podcast is approximately 20 minutes long, which is just long enough for a cup of coffee. Hear from experts in the field on topics like how to navigate programs and services like Medicaid to personal experiences from those on the receiving end of care. Grab your favorite mug, pour the coffee and take a break with us!


Volunteers are an integral part of the staff of St. Augustine Health Ministries. Whether transporting someone to daily Mass, sitting with a hospice patient at Holy Family, or assisting with an activity at the assisted living facility, these small acts of kindness enhance the lives of those we serve.


We want to share our magical moments here with you. Browse the photo galleries of each of our entities – Emerald Village, Holy Family, St. Augustine Health Campus, and the Child Enrichment Center to get a feel of what life is like with St. Augustine Health Ministries.

Get In Touch

Let’s Connect And Make a Difference in Their Life Together.

Call us today at 216.634.7400. Or if you prefer, please fill out this form and we will get in touch with you shortly. Please note that all fields are required.

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