Opening Minds Through Art Partnership - St Augustine Health Ministries

May 17, 2022

Opening Minds Through Art Partnership

Time to talk about curating creativity that improves cranial development. Art and other forms of creative expression can ignite that “inner child” within and light up our senses. When it comes to our elders, using these senses and tapping into this part of themselves can be so beneficial – even if it is just to take their mind off aches and pains for the time being. We are proud partners with Opening Minds through art: a “failure-free “art program that provides an opportunity for abstract self-expression and social engagement for people with neurocognitive disorders like dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

By integrating Art Therapy into our expressive therapy programs, we are adding another activity that our residents can look forward to, giving us a boost in morale and movement in our community. By participating, studies show the following: increased brain stimulation, improved cognitive development, heightened sense of control, a sense of accomplishment & purpose, and decreased sense of isolation, depression, & anxiety.

These are just to name a few, but when you think of it imagine painting. You can visualize what each brush stroke looks like, feels like, and so on – this is tapping into the same receptors in our residents minds every time they participate in art therapy. Bringing back that sense of nostalgia is so important and integral in strengthening their brain.

Our residents (artists) are paired with volunteers who are trained to rely on imagination rather than memory, focusing on the remaining strengths of those with dementia rather than lost skills. Thank you, OMA, for giving our residents an opportunity to let their inner-masterpiece shine!

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